Dear Mayor O'Connor
Thank you so much for coming out to our Annual Member Meeting earlier this month. We greatly appreciate having support from you and other local government leaders. Frederick City and Frederick County are facing unprecedented growth, and the current infrastructure is not sufficient for supporting the volume of pedestrians, bicycles, and cars we have today.
Our efforts working with the County on the revisions to the Bikeways and Trails plan are a monumental step toward the future. This revised plan will make Frederick County a more bike-friendly community. Furthermore, we are intent on promoting the Monocacy Crossing Trail as a critical connector between the City's East Street Trail and the planned connector trails outlined in the Bikeways & Trails plan. The synergy and careful coordination between the City and County governments are crucial to meet our communities infrastructure needs successfully.
We are pleased with the progress Frederick city has made in improving infrastructure for vulnerable road users, and your words at our meeting give us hope that for the months and years to come. We look forward to continued investment in pedestrian and bicycle facilities. We also look forward to working with you and the BPAC in the coming months to keep increasing the pace of infrastructure improvements.
With sincerest gratitude and on behalf of all of the cyclists in the county,
The Directors of the Frederick Bicycle Coalition
- "Thank you" by Nate Grigg is licensed under CC BY 2.0